LabJack U12 에 사용가능하나 본체에서 바로 사용할 수 없는 16개 digital I/O 를 사용하기 위한 부속품입니다.

screwdriver 하고 DB25 cable 까지 포함되어 있습니다

LabJack U12에서는 현재 공간상의 제약으로 인해 4개의 digital I/O용 connector 밖에 없습니다. 그래서 나머지 16개의  Digital I/O를 사용하기 위해 나온 제품입니다. 이 제품의 DB25 connector 부분과 LabJack U12 의 DB25 connector 부분을 연결해서 사용합니다.

CB25 Terminal Block -- Most of the connections on the LabJack U12 have built-in screw terminals, but 16 of the digital I/O are accessed with a DB25 connector. To ease the use of these digital ports the CB25 provides screw terminal connections. For the LabJack U12 only.

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The CB25 also provides removable short-circuit/overvoltage protection for each line.

Download the CB25 datasheet