Signal-conditioning module provides two instrumentation amplifiers ideal for low-level signals such as bridge circuits (e.g. strain gauges) and thermocouples. The LJTIA has switches to choose from 5 gain settings (x1, x11, x51, x201, or custom) and two output voltage offsets.

LJTick-InAmp -- Signal-conditioning module provides two instrumentation amplifiers ideal for low-level signals such as bridge circuits (e.g. strain gauges) and thermocouples. The LJTIA has switches to choose from 5 gain settings (x1, x11, x51, x201, or custom) and two output voltage offsets. The 4-pin design plugs into the standard AIN/AIN/GND/VS screw terminal block found on newer LabJacks such as the U3 and UE9. Capable of providing noise-free voltage resolution as low as 8 uV with the U3, 1.5 uV with the UE9, and 0.7 uV with the UE9-Pro.

최대 해상도:
U3-LV:     8 uV,
UE9:   1.5 uV
UE9 Pro: 0.7 uV

Download the LJTick-InAmp datasheet

LJTick-InAmp Schematic lined up to UE9

아래의 테이블은 LJTiA 의 설정 상황에 따른 Thermocouple 종류별 온도 측정 범위를 나타낸 것 입니다.
(Gain 은 증폭 배율이며 Voffset 은 Dip Switch 5번 On 이면 0.4 , Dip Switch 6번 On 이면 1.25 입니다. 둘중 하나는 항상 On 이어야만 합니다.)